In 1956, I was fortunate to be assigned to work with the best staff in town. Dr. Gunn hired me away from Portland and I was placed at a fairly new school named Ohlones. Gene Tankersley was principal and as far as I know, I am the only staff member still living in Palo Alto. It was a lively, creative staff that worked and played hard. We worked and socialized with our neighbors at Fairmeadow. Our students came from the new Eichler community that had just been built. Parents were anxious for their children to have the best and they supported our efforts to deliver the best. We did many cross-grade activities: operettas, folk dancing book publishing, song fests, and a most unusual Grand March using the entire studentbody and the whole grassy playing field! After Gene, C. Minor Moore beame our principal. (Then, I took leave to be a mom.) He was followed by Dr. Winfred Christensen. And then came Jim.
After some years, I returned to Ohlone...now properly named. I had been teaching at El Carmelo and we were invited to a joint staff meeting that was held in the Charleston site. I felt at home! The meeting was a REAL staff meeting... Jim Mathiott facilitated. The staff solved problems and discussed their concerns. The support that was so familiar to me. was there, so when I was asked to join the staff I was delighted. It was a place where I could use ALL my time and energy teaching children. People were trusting and honest with each other. Each person felt sincerely cared about. Helen Fleming used to talk about the staff having unity without uniformity. I re-joined the Ohlone staff 19 years ago. The informal, open school philosophy fit like a glove.

Bill and I taught together for several years before we got our individual classrooms. His informality and openness led to many activities that could not be considered now. He had a camper on his truck. When we wanted to take a field trip, we would pile in and sing our way to the Baylands or Foothills Park or Jelick's or Webb's Ranch. His only rules were that mud didn't belong in his camper and once seated, we stayed seated. We taught many Life Skills along with everything else!
I loved my teaching life at Ohlone because I could really fly. We made a banner at one of our retreats that celebrated our Roots and Wings. I shall always treasure the things I learned about compassion, understanding, collegiality and ways to become more whole!
Thanks to all of my teachers: children, parents, district personnel, and my co-workers...all!
Pat Robinson
She was my first grade teacher in 1956-7 .. I adored her. She became a good friend of my mothers and later to me.. I knew her all my life.. Mrs. Robertson.. but she was miss Leslie first.. lol
I attended Ohlone for Kindergarten and half of first grade. Then we moved to the Miranda area behind the Alta Mesa Cemetary. I remember Mr. Tankersley as he was principal at subsequent schools I attended.