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1971 - 1976: Ohlone Origins


Individual instruction at Ohlone began in the late 1960’s with a former principal, Chris Christensen. Transforming Ohlone to a Board-sponsored Open School in 1971 began with principal Jim Mathiott.

This calendar of events from 1971 through 1976 describes the discovery of and transition to an ‘open education.’

SPRING, 1971 

Staff and parents discuss new educational directions for the school and decide to ask school board for funding to participate in a three-year consortium of schools in the Bay Area exploring open education. 

JUNE 21, 1971 

School formally asks the School Board for funding to participate in the Consortium. Funding granted in August, and renewed for the following two years. 

SEPT., 1971 - JUNE, 1972 

First year of the Consortium 

Staff inservice training in open education. 

Visits to other schools having open programs. 

Parent meetings to explain our changing program. 

Staff attends conferences on open education. 

Gradual evolution of classroom program: informality, integrated curriculum. 

School staff requests and is granted permission to restructure the school week (Minimum day one day per week) 

Progress reports presented to parents. 

First Annual Report presented to School Board (oral and written). 

MAY, 1972 

Boundaries between Greendell, Fairmeadow, and Ohlone opened -- open enrollment on space availability began. 

SEPT., 1972 - JUNE, 1973 

Second year of the Consortium 

Continued staff inservice training in open education, parent meetings, attending 

conferences, visits to other schools. 

Percent of transfer students: about 8% 

Nongrading expanded throughout school. 

Some teachers began to have students in class for more than one year. 

Staff writes and revises position papers on curriculum areas 

Ohlone Parent Advisory Committee organized and developed 

Second Annual Report presented to School Board (written). 

SEPT., 1973 - JUNE, 1974 

Third year of the Consortium of Schools Project 

Extensive staff inservice and meetings. 

Continued visits to other open education schools, attendance at open education conferences, exchange visits. 

Individualization of instruction in most curriculum areas. 

Parent Advisory Committee in first year of full operation. Three major studies: parent satisfaction, transition to junior high, and teacher needs. 

Parent survey taken and results reported. 

Movie produced about Ohlone School. 

Staff and parents study Early Childhood Education Program and decide to apply to district committee for ranking for inclusion in the program. 

Percent of transfer students: about 15% 

Third annual report presented to School Board (written). 

End of formal consortium of schools project-funding from School Board ended. 

SEPT., 1974 - JUNE, 1975 

Staff writes manuscript for a book about Ohlone School, 

Percent of transfer students rises to 25% 

School Board removes boundaries as part of initial closure proposal.

Some teachers try nongraded classes with three-year age span. 

Parent Advisory Committee studies school closure issue. 

Several staff members give papers at conferences, conduct work shops, consult 

with other staffs. 

Staff and parents prepare Early Childhood proposal, submit it to state. Accepted by 

state, but district expansion quota not sufficient for inclusion in 1975-76. 

SEPT., 1975 -  JANUARY, 1976 

Percent of transfer students rises to 38% 

One-third of students in three-year age span classes 

Parent Advisory Committee studies playground/building needs and develops parent survey.


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