The Ohlone Pumpkin Patch (2005-2006)
Kim Prescott and I were approached by farm parents to pursue an Environmental Teaching Certificate through UC Santa Cruz. A grant was available upon completion for several thousand dollars.
The pumpkin patch was my project to complete the course work. Kim created an "Alphabet garden" around what became the covered seating area in the garden. The funds from the grant were used to build the outdoor kitchen among other projects.
The idea for the book came about as a way for my class to document how we created the patch. The hope was to someday make a real book to go in the library for the entire school.
This didn't happen as in the "old days" it wasn't as easy or inexpensive to make books and I could never find someone to take on the project.
-- Frankie
The Ohlone Pumpkin Patch Book
(click on the image below to scroll through the pages)